Research Essay Writing Tutorial

It is time to write a research paper! Are you completely lost, and confused with what you have to do in order to complete the research paper on time? Do not worry because this tutorial will give you all of the necessary information to help you create the perfect research paper to hand in to your professor or teacher. The following is a list of all the necessary guidelines to writing a research paper from start to finish.

  • First you are going to need to split your allotted time in to segments of smaller deadline that will help you to meet your overall due date
  • Then you are going to need to get started with an outline
  • Start your outline by making a framework for the introduction, the body paragraphs, and the conclusion statement or paragraph
  • Then you are going to fill in your main sentence that will help you to organize your thoughts and the presentation of your material in the paper that you are writing
  • Once you have the main idea sentence filled in, you will be able to label the focus of each individual body paragraph
  • After you are finished labeling the body paragraphs, you will be able to begin the research part of your paper
  • You will research information to include in each body paragraph
  • This information will be bulleted in the outline until you have enough supporting information for each section
  • As you take information from each source you are going to write the citation information next to each piece of information, this way you are going to be sure to have all of your information documented properly and available to include in the works cited page
  • Then once you have all of your information written down, you are ready to get started with your first draft
  • The first draft is basically a documentation of your outline in paragraph form, there will be grammar mistakes and formatting issues that will need to be addressed; however, this is just so that you can get a copy of the paper started.
  • Then you will edit your draft.
  • Next you will revise your draft in to a second draft.
  • Now it is time to proofread your second draft and edit it again.
  • Make sure that all of the formatting issues and citations are addressed properly.
  • Finally, it is time to rewrite the final draft of your research essay to hand in to your professor before the deadline.

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