Academic Help Online: A Few Examples Of Essay Outlines
Coming up with an essay outline is said to be the best ways to minimize the sometimes painful writing process. But it’s harder than realized for many students who aren’t familiar with a practical explanation of how to do this. The following two examples of essay outlines will attempt to show you how it’s done—and how easy it actually is.
Example 1
- Topic: Observations on the qualities of a good stay-at-home mom
- Intro:
- Put forth the seemingly impossible task of being a stay-at-home mom
- Give the reader some insight into this job
- Discuss the three main points you intend to cover
- Paragraph 1: The most important job in the world
- Why it’s so important being a good mom?
- Is there a fear of failing?
- List the motivations mothers hold in order to succeed
- Paragraph 2: Balancing the roles of wife and mother
- The differences between these roles
- Practical steps to remember
- What are some mistakes that we can learn from?
- Paragraph 3: Caregiver, teacher, and therapist all rolled into one
- Interview a real stay-at-home mom
- What a real stay-at-home mom says about her designation
- Discussions on how to stay on top of all her responsibilities
- Is it all worth it and why?
- Conclusion:
- Reiterate the importance of this job
- Show respect for how hard it is to be a balanced mother and wife
- Give a brief update on the mother that was interviewed for this essay
Example 2
- Topic: Why historic movies are a hindrance to our understanding
- Intro:
- Ask whether understanding history is important
- Speak about the growing popularity of historic movies
- Talk about the power of media
- Paragraph 1: Misinterpreted facts
- A critique of the movie The messenger: The story of Joan of Arc
- Movies about Bible stories and how they compare to the Bible account
- Was William Wallace adequately portrayed in Brave heart?
- Paragraph 2:
- Why is speculating on historic facts bad for students’ understanding?
- Reasons we are losing our sense of history
- Find a good quote to back up this argument
- Paragraph 3:
- Give a list of some widely believed myths and counter these with their respective facts
- Conclusion:
- Elaborate on the dangers of mixing up our history facts
- Give three suggestions to counter the problems set forth in paragraph 1
- Show from paragraph 3 how easy it is to take on a false belief about something
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