Promoting Cognitive Development

According to Gleitman (1998), cognitive development is a process that starts at birth and progresses through adulthood. From the moment children are born, they start to learn not only by looking and listening but also by interacting with objects and people. Additionally, cognitive development is the development of the learning systems and structures in the brain. Hence, caregivers have an active role to play in children’s cognitive development.

The caregivers can take an active role in the children’s cognitive development by planning stimulating activities, reading as well as singing for them. Additionally, the caregivers can encourage and help them to explore their environment. Gleitman (1998), points out that toddlers and infant behave like sponges. This is because they absorb everything available in their environment. According to Feierabend (1996), when children are provided with the opportunity to play with various objects, they usually encounter problems. Hence, giving them opportunity to try and solve the problems they encounter enhances their cognitive development. However, adults can assist by pointing out relationships, asking questions in addition to reflecting feelings. Moreover, encouraging the children to easily interact with one another during problem solving is essential in cognitive growth. Gleitman (1998), this is because the input they receive are not only useful but also provide various solutions to the problem

Consequently, it is through motor and sensory experiences that children explore and learn Mahn (n.d.). For example, they learn that things have different sizes, shapes, textures as well as colors. Hence, Feierabend (1996), emphasizes that playing music, reading, talking or singing fosters children’s cognitive growth. This is because talking to a child soothes and learns from the heard sounds. It is important that when talking to a child, stand close to the face or hold her/him. This is because according to Gleitman (1998), a child is likely to imitate the facial expression or the words.

According to Gleitman (1998), it is important to read to the toddlers or the children every day. This is because reading to them assists them in learning the sounds of the language an aspect that is essential for cognitive growth. Furthermore, music helps in stimulating children’s cognitive development. However, it is important to choose music that is not only imaginative but also interesting for children (Feierabend, 1996).

In a nutshell, creativity appreciation is an essential part of cognitive development. When children are provided with an opportunity to explore as well as experiment, their understanding is enhanced.

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